The municipal Council
Sauber François
BourgmestreFeidt Michel
1er échevinThill Jessie
2e échevineEiden-Renckens Marie-Anne
ConseillèreWiot Nicolas
ConseillerWeins Alain
ConseillerCourte-Wolde Medhin Henoké
ConseillèreAltmann-Frideres Josée
ConseillèreSchanck Laurent
ConseillerDonnersbach Alex
ConseillerSchmit-Streff Edmée
ConseillèreUrbany Guy
ConseillerThe municipal council is elected by the inhabitants of the municipality who are eligible to vote for a period of six years. Elections are held according to the system of proportional representation, i.e., councillors are elected by a list system, with seats being allocated to the various lists in proportion to the number of votes they have received. The next communal elections will be held on the 11th of june 2023. The number of members of the municipal council depends on the number of inhabitants (13 councillors as of 1 January 2000).
The main responsibilities of the municipal council are
- voting on the budget and the accounts,
- the setting of rates and fees,
- the approval of construction projects and town planning projects,
- the appointment, resignation or dimissal of civil servants and employees.